创新实践,实践创新:重新审视新加坡的母语教育 Innovative Practice, Practice Innovation: Re-envisioning Mother Tongue Languages Education in Singapore



Titled "Innovative Practice, Practice Innovation: Re-envisioning Mother Tongue Languages Education in Singapore", this collection consists of 24 selected scholarly papers with insights and keen observations of Mother Tongue Languages (MTL, i.e. Chinese, Malay and Tamil) education in Singapore. To promote research and application of MTL teaching, as well as to provide a platform for scholars and practitioners of MTL to communicate thoughts and share experiences, this quadrilingual academic book delves into the bilingual context of Singapore, the MTL curricula and teaching resources, as well as the teaching and assessment of MTL in the Singaporean context.


作者 Author: 陈志锐副教授(主编) 、钟国荣博士、Associate Professor A Ra Sivakumaran、Dr Mohamed Aidil Subhan(编辑)
页数 No. of Pages:348
语言 Language:Quadrilingual 四语:Chinese 中文、Malay 马来文、Tamil 淡米尔文、English 英文
出版商 Publisher:SCCL 新加坡华文教研中心
重量 Weight: 462g

*此商品将由 SCCL 新加坡华文教研中心寄出

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