Interactive Reading Programme is an English Language series specially designed for pre-school children. It aims to equip children with basic pre-reading and pre-writing skills at an early stage of their cognitive development, thus enabling them to embark on their Primary School studies with a sense of confidence.
The series has a thematic structure. It encompasses four themes namely, People, Non-living Things, Nature and Animals. Within each theme are three core components – Story-Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary. The aim is to enhance the child's linguistic sensitivity while simultaneously stimulating creativity and logical reasoning ability. Interesting story plots, visually appealing story characters, and fun-filled, entertaining activities help develop children's interest in reading, writing, thinking and expressing themselves in English. In addition, there are useful grammar notes and references for the teacher.
页数 No. of Pages:20 (each 40 books)
语言 Language:English and Chinese 中文与英文
出版商 Publisher:E-COM EDUCATION
重量 Weight:2.7kg
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