Focus Publishing Promotion Items

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[平装版] 双语图片集 奠基人足迹:新中建交30年(In the Founders’ Footsteps: Singapore-China Diplomatic Relations)
饭饭之辈 (How to Eat)
星云大师点智慧7 (Words of Wisdom 7)
从胶园到国会— —李美花的故事
点智慧·漫画 (Words of Wisdom Comic)
星云大师点智慧10 (Words of Wisdom 10)
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星云大师点智慧11 (Words of Wisdom 11)
星云大师点智慧9 (Words of Wisdom 9)
战“疫”勇士:新加坡之道 (COVID Warriors: The Singapore Way) (Chinese Edition)
点智慧·漫画4 (Words of Wisdom Comic 4)
杨荣文 凝思集 第一辑
Words of Wisdom Vol 1 点智慧1 (英文版)
星云大师点智慧12 (Words of Wisdom 12)
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飞虎情缘: 何永道回忆录
点智慧·漫画3 (Words of Wisdom Comic 3)
点智慧·漫画2 (Words of Wisdom Comic 2)
点智慧·漫画5 (Words of Wisdom Comic 5)
点智慧·漫画6 (Book of Wisdom Comics 6)
[精装版] 双语图片集 奠基人足迹:新中建交30年(In the Founders’ Footsteps: Singapore-China Diplomatic Relations)
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Plantation to Parliament - My Story So Far As Told By Lee Bee Wah
李光耀回忆录, 1965-2000
【早报VIP限定 - 送限量版手提袋】 雅意:新加坡华文报藏书画撷珍
【作者签名版】世事任君谈——报人生涯一得之愚 (Media, Culture and Current Affairs - From An Editor’s Desk)
[预购] 雅意新加坡华文报藏书画撷珍 (From Gifts to Treasures: The Chinese Media Group Art Collection)
李光耀回忆录, 1923 - 1965
星云大师点智慧13 (Words of Wisdom 13)
李光耀:新加坡赖以生存的硬道理 第二版
杨荣文 凝思集 第二辑
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【作者签名版】一人一半 (For Better, For Worse)
星云大师点智慧8 (Words of Wisdom 8)
星云大师点智慧14 (Words of Wisdom 14)
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