A set of amazing flash cards to introduce preschoolers to the English alphabet.
Bright pictures and bold letters will attract the attention of the children and help in interactive learning.
作者 Author:泛亚编辑部
页数 No. of Pages:24
语言 Language:English 英文
出版商 Publisher:Pan Asia Publishing Pte Ltd 泛亚出版社
重量 Weight:130g
*此商品将由Pan Asia Publishing Pte Ltd (泛亚出版社) 寄出
Bright pictures and bold letters will attract the attention of the children and help in interactive learning.
作者 Author:泛亚编辑部
页数 No. of Pages:24
语言 Language:English 英文
出版商 Publisher:Pan Asia Publishing Pte Ltd 泛亚出版社
重量 Weight:130g
*此商品将由Pan Asia Publishing Pte Ltd (泛亚出版社) 寄出