[预购] 雅意新加坡华文报藏书画撷珍 (From Gifts to Treasures: The Chinese Media Group Art Collection)



More than 200 pieces of artwork, gifted mainly by local and overseas artists, have been collected during the century-long development of the Singapore Chinese press. These include Ink paintings, calligraphy, watercolours, oil paintings and ceramic sculptures gifted to Nanyang Siang Pau, Sin Chew Jit Poh, Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao and Shin Min Daily. They now form SPHMedia’s Chinese Media Group’s (CMG) art collection.

From Gifts to Treasures – The Chinese Media Group Art Collection showcases nearly 90 works by more than 60 artists; half are local artists, while the other half are from various overseas countries.

黄向京 (Ng Siang Ping) | 作者 Author

新加坡《联合早报》资深高级记者,美术艺文与品酒专线, 四方八面“咖啡座”专栏作者。专栏收录潘正镭主编《四方八面》,与庄布忠合著《品葡萄酒》,由早报出版。新加坡国立大学中文系荣誉学士、英国伦敦大学亚非学院社会人类学硕士。

Senior Correspondent on art and wine for Lianhe Zaobao. Also columnist for the paper's Si Fang Ba Mian column "kafei Zuo". Her writings included in Pan Cheng Lui's book, Si Fang Ba Mian and Chng Poh Tiong's book, Zaobao Wine Book, which she co-authored. Both books were published by Lianhe Zaobao.

She has a Bachelor of Arts with Honours Degree from the National University of Singapore and a Master of Arts in Social Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.


作者 Author:黄向京 (Ng Siang Ping)

页数 No. of Pages: 188

语言 Language:Chinese and English 


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